A cleaner, more sustainable,
and efficient future.
For all.

An unwavering
commitment to
sustainability in
the Canary Islands.
We redefine clean energy production
and efficient waste management
in the region.

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ATH Bioenergy's vision is based on a solid commitment to the environment and well-being in the Canary Islands. We seek not only to generate sustainable energy from renewable sources but also to contribute to the ecological cycle by addressing the waste issue.

In this context, ATH Bioenergy positions itself as a comprehensive solution for the efficient management of organic waste in the Canary Islands. Our facilities not only convert organic waste into biomethane and fertilizers but also address a critical waste disposal problem, thus promoting a cleaner and healthier environment for local communities. This holistic approach reflects our ongoing commitment to sustainability and positive impact on the environment.

We redefine clean energy production
and efficient waste management
in the region.

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Production + Transformation

ATH Bioenergy stems from an innovative vision, providing circular solutions to the management of commercial organic waste in the Canary Islands.

We transform waste generated by hotels and supermarkets into biogas, biomethane, and fertilizer, shaping a circular economic and environmental model capable of producing low-carbon energy for use by the hotel sector itself or other local industries, and high-quality fertilizers for the agricultural industry that contribute to CO2 capture and retention.

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about  How we do it

State-of-the-Art Biometane Plants
Present in the Canary Islands

Discover our upcoming Biometane
plant projects in the Canary Islands

Integrated Waste Management.
Empowering Sustainable Agriculture

Obtaining sustainable products for
various Applications.

Fertilizer production is essential
to our waste management strategy
in the Canary Islands, driving a circular production model.


We convert organic waste into high-quality fertilizers as well as CO2 for various industrial uses.


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About How We Do It