
ATH Bioenergy emerges from an innovative vision:
to provide circular solutions to the management
of commercial organic waste in the Canary Islands.

Circular solutions
to real problems.

We transform waste generated by hotels and supermarkets into biogas, biomethane, and fertilizer, shaping a circular economic and environmental model capable of producing low-carbon energy, to be used by the hotel sector itself or other local industries, and high-quality fertilizers for the agricultural industry, contributing to CO2 capture and retention.

With the operation of our plants, we will offer sustainable and local alternatives to tackle these challenges. The lack of operational solutions before 2025 would imply significant legal penalties for the islands, including sanctions from the European Union.
With this innovative approach, we offer a solution to the relevant challenges of our region:
1.The islands heavily depend on imports of materials and fuels, compromising their autonomy, economic growth, and decarbonization capacity, also generating significant extra costs due to higher supply prices compared to the mainland.
2.The current regulatory framework (National Waste Law 7/22 and EU Directive 851/2018) requires municipalities to recycle at least 55% of their waste by 2025 and 60% by 2030. But the islands lack the necessary infrastructure to manage waste generated by their main industry and economic engine, tourism, forcing large producers to dispose of their waste in landfills.
3.Additionally, current regulations CTE (EU Directive 2010/31) and RITE (EU Directive 2018/844) require thermal facilities to use renewable energy sources to heat pools and domestic hot water (DHW) for a minimum of 70% of their consumption. But limitations and lack of local generation make implementation nearly impossible.

We All Contribute

An entire region committed to
seeking innovative solutions to
mitigate environmental impact.

In the Canary Islands, there is strong

support, both public and private, to

seek solutions that allow

decarbonization, using waste

generated by hotels and

industrial actors


Collaboration among
different value chain
actors is essential for
the success of
our projects.

Therefore, we actively
collaborate with:
• The hotel sector, representing 30-35% of the archipelago's GDP, is one of the main consumers of imported propane, accounting for 32% of the total imported in the four main islands. In 2021, 77% of energy demand in the Canary Islands was based on petroleum-derived products.

• Other major producers of organic waste on the islands manage waste by sending it to landfills due to lack of alternative means.

• Local farmers, offering an alternative that benefits banana plantations, a hallmark of our territory, improving agricultural productivity and promoting circularity. Our fertilizer offerings support soil health and reduce dependence on harmful chemicals, thus contributing to the preservation of the natural environment and biodiversity.

• Local communities to generate jobs, reduce polluting emissions from fossil fuels, and promote environmental care and the health and quality of life of people.

A Sustainable Alternative

ATH Bioenergy aims to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels and reduce CO2 emissions (estimated at 118,000 tons per year) by transforming them into biomethane, a renewable and local energy source.

Once operational, the four plants will produce over 9,000 tons of biomethane per year, equivalent to 134 GWh/year or the estimated energy consumption of nearly 9,000 households or the annual consumption equivalent of +22,000 people.

To achieve this vision, ATH Bioenergy will rely on a highly specialized team of approximately 35 professionals dedicated to making this initiative a reality. We believe that investing in human capital is as crucial as financial investment, and our team will become the backbone driving innovation and efficiency at every stage of this new project.

The four projected installations will significantly contribute to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
7.2Substantially increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix
9.4Upgrade infrastructure and modernize industries to make them sustainable, increase resource use efficiency, and promote the adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes
11.6Reduce the per capita negative environmental impact of cities, paying special attention to air quality and municipal waste management and other types
12.5Substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse
13.2Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies, and planning

Cutting-Edge Technology

To achieve ATH Bioenergy's sustainability goals, the best available technologies ("BATs") and quality standards will be installed in the plants, following, among others, the guidelines established in the Green Taxonomy Regulation or European Taxonomy.

Sustainable innovation

Technology to meet the
EU's environmental challenges.

ATH Bioenergy’s four installations

will substantially contribute to two

of the six environmental objectives

established in the EU’s Roadmap.

Climate change mitigation.
(Objective 1):

Transition to a circular economy.
(Objective 4):

Activity 5.9 of the Regulation, "Recovery of materials from non-hazardous waste", achieving that +50% of the treated waste becomes secondary raw materials, mainly biogas and fertilizer.

Activity 2.5 of the Regulation, "Recovery of organic waste through anaerobic digestion or composting", through the separation of at least 70% of waste at the source and its collection using biodegradable bags, as well as the production of a by-product compliant with EU Regulation 2019/1009, allowing its use in local agricultural activities.
In addition to all of the above, the company will implement a series of governance measures, codes, and policies, as well as communication channels with all stakeholders to ensure compliance with best social and governance practices.

Discover more
EU Environmental Objectives.